Kitchen Visual Displays

Location of Settings

Go to the 'Kitchen Visual Displays' folder, open 'Runtime_KVD' then double click on 'Settings'.

In the configuration we provide an example whitelist for the bumpbar, which will need changing from the default values.

To add more players, use the following format:

Settings.Whitelist = {
    Players = {
        -- [UserId] = "Username",
        [1] = "ROBLOX",
        [1749403537] = "TheMysticalBeat",
        [1521420392] = "zertybee_5",
    Groups = {},

To add more groups, use the following format:

Settings.Whitelist = {
    Players = {},
    Groups = {
        -- [GroupId] = MinRank,
	[32675391] = 100,
	[16433555] = 150,
	[16876677] = 1,

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